Captain Carrot is an anthropomorphic bunny superhero from Earth-26, an alternate Earth populated with cartoon animals. In the regular Earth, he is known as Captain K'Rot, a space adventurer associated with Jediah Caul. His first appearance was in New Teen Titans #16.
- Leader of the Justice League Incarnate: Captain Carrot serves as the charismatic and determined leader of this multiversal team, guiding and uniting heroes from across various realities to tackle threats that transcend dimensions.
- Rabbit-Based Superpowers: Possessing super strength, enhanced agility, and heightened senses, Captain Carrot's abilities are derived from "cosmic carrots" that grant him his powers, turning him into a formidable force in battle.
- Positive and Optimistic Attitude: Known for his unwavering optimism and positive outlook, Captain Carrot's cheerful demeanor serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring his teammates even in the face of the most daunting challenges.
Condition: May have some little wear on the package.