Gundam Heavyarms, from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing," joins GUNDAM UNIVERSE! The figure perfectly captures its heavy look and signature massive Gatling cannons. The Beam Gatling can be slung on the back or gripped in both hands, and the Army Knife opens and closes.
- Gundam Heavyarms, from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing," joins GUNDAM UNIVERSE!
- The figure perfectly captures its heavy look and signature massive Gatling cannons
- The Beam Gatling can be slung on the back or gripped in both hands, and the Army Knife opens and closes
- [Set Contents] Main Body, Optional pair of hands, Army Knife, Beam Gatling, Tamashii Stage Joint
- Only product with affixed official Bluefin label has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets all North American consumer product safety regulations and entitles the purchaser to product support assistance
Condition: May have some little wear on the package.