Hellboy, an immensely powerful superhero who works for the government organization Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.), and his closest allies team up to battle an undead sorceress who has the intention of destroying the world! The One:12 Collective Hellboy figure features 2 head portraits capturing the great beast's unforgiving nature. Hellboy is outfitted in a removable duster coat and his guns fit neatly into the holsters on his utility belt. The half-demon comes complete with a range of accessories fit for saving the world, including a customized handgun, customized revolver that fits in his gun case, and a horseshoe, along with a One:12 Collective display base with logo and adjustable display post. Each One:12 Collective Hellboy figure is packaged in a collector friendly box, designed with collectors in mind.
Condition: May have some little wear on the package.