Bryce Wayne of Earth -11 harbored a deep hatred of the Atlanteans for their role in the death of her beloved, Sylvester Kyle. In a quest to avenge Kyle, she spliced her DNA with that of an Atlantean, becoming a super-powered Dark Knight called The Drowned capable of breathing and fighting underwater.
- Batman Earth -11 figure is based on the Comic Batman: The Drowned #1 (2017)
- Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
- Comes with The Drowned Trident and base
- Included collectable art card with Batman: The Drowned #1 artwork on the front, and character biography on the back
- Showcased in DC themed window box packaging
- Collect all DC Mulitverse Figures! Superman Red Son, Death Metal Batman and Damien Wayne Robin. Figures Sold Separately.